Sep 9Liked by HardLee Typical Podcast

I did not know that attributing disability to demonic activity was widespread. This is so sad! We pastors who know better need to speak out and give a simple message: Don't try to diagnose what you don't understand. Jesus said, "Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly." (John 7:24) Direct people to professional medical help.

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Thanks for commenting. Yes, unfortunately there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about disability. Together we can help spread more awareness and education about these issues!

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Sep 12Liked by HardLee Typical Podcast

There were so many nuggets from this episode and you all should’ve heard me egging you on to “go there.” It’s needed! Also - I’m not watching the movie (at least right now) but not for spiritual reasons. I am easily spooked and will have nightmares about craziness after looking at something like that 🫠.

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Thanks for tuning in! We certainly understand about not watching the movie. Dr. Lee would definitely agree with you! 😂😂

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